Playing at the Science Center

Playing at the Science Center
He can only stop for a second...there is lots of playing to do!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

An Adventure-Filled Summer

So far, our summer has been absolutely wonderful and full of adventure!

Our family participated in the Run Through the Zoo (some of us participated faster than others) and we all made it to the end!  Afterwards, we took some pictures to commemorate the occasion.

We have taken several trips to the zoo and science center this summer (thanks to Anderson's Great Grammy) and have had a wonderful time!  It is so neat because each time we go, we get to experience something new.

We went to the zoo with our friends Cathy and Chase and we got to take some time to relax in the rocking chair right next to the elephant exhibit.  Anderson still has yet to recognize the existence of elephants in that space because he is so taken by the fence keeping them in.  I do have to admit that I would have never paid attention to the fences without the encouragement of my child, but now that I've seen them, they are very impressive.

We also got to play in the water fountain at the front of the park.  It was fantastic!  This wasn't our first rodeo with the afore-mentioned fountain as we had done it before.  It also wouldn't be our last (as you can see) because we did it again when we went to the zoo with David, Jen, and Oliver!

Anderson got an up-close-and-personal look at the camels!

We also went to the petting zoo to visit our friend Jenny (who works there) and got a first look at the baby goats!  Anderson loved the goats and really enjoyed petting them.  He, of course, thought it would be more fun to walk around the petting zoo shoeless.  I assured him that was NOT the case.

Anderson has also grown very attached to the water exhibit in the Kid's Zone at the science center.  I think we are doing something wrong as none of the other parents had to strip their kids in order to put their clothes under the hand dryer.

The science center also has an exhibit called "The Science of Play" and Anderson loved it! They had these pool noodle looking things hanging from the ceiling and Anderson really enjoyed going through it...over and over and over and over.

This may not seem like a big deal, but Anderson ate off of a plate for the first time and he just looked so big doing it.  I felt like it was blog worthy.  The movement of time seems to catch me with the small things.

Anderson has also been sharing a lot.  It is so sweet and I am glad to see that he is kind.  The problem...he usually feeds us something that he has already slobbered all over which makes it a super soggy morsel.  Lovely!

Even though this is a long summer break, I need for it to slow down.  It is moving way too fast and I need to be able to take it all in and remember every detail.

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