Playing at the Science Center

Playing at the Science Center
He can only stop for a second...there is lots of playing to do!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Big Steps

Anderson is becoming more independent by the minute.  I both love it and hate it.  It warms my heart to watch him learn and do new things, but at the same time I don't like how fast he is growing up.  I know that it is my job as his mom to teach him, and give him opportunities to do, new things.  With that being said, I just want him to stay my sweet baby boy forever - the one who gives "big hugs," and squeezes his dad, the one who gives me kisses without any requests in the middle of his goodnight song, the one who snuggles and smiles just because.  Watching him grow up and become more independent is a blessing, but it is bittersweet.

So, you may ask, what is your proof that Anderson is becoming more independent?  Well, my friends, here it is.

He has taken his first unassisted steps.

He dances whenever the mood strikes him.  He dances to his own rhythm and with his own moves. I love that he doesn't yet have to worry about whether or not someone is watching or if he looks "cool"-he just goes for it!

He talks on the cell phone.

He makes how-to videos to post to the Internet.  We believe this one to be a "how-to walk down the stairs on your own" video for other one-year-olds who may be curious.

He waters the flowers in the front and on the side of the house.  The water out of the hose is COLD!

He checks the fountain to ensure it is in working order while maintaining the Japanese Maple tree.  (On a side note, I am concerned that my son is already a better multi-tasker than myself or his father).

He feeds himself frozen yogurt at Orange Leaf, or at least tries to feed himself (if Dad would give up the spoon).

Everyday brings something new with Anderson and I could not be happier to be a part of it.  I love waking up and living in the moment with him.  He has taught me so much already that I had forgotten in my big hurry to get through life.  He has reminded me to appreciate the little things in life and to find the magic in the ordinary.  I love being this little independent boy's mom!

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