Playing at the Science Center

Playing at the Science Center
He can only stop for a second...there is lots of playing to do!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Things we are learning from, and about Anderson

As with every relationship, we learn more about someone as we spend time with them.  A child is no exception.  We have learned so much about Anderson in the 22 months we have been with him, but never as much as fast as we are learning now.  We are also constantly learning from him.  He reminds us on a daily basis of what life is truly about.  Here are some examples.

No matter where we have to go or what we have to do, it is never so important that we cannot take the time (a lot of time) to smell any and every flower in a two mile radius.  It seems tedious at the time, but in hindsight, is totally worth it.

Sam's is a fun place to be because the boxes are big enough to climb on and get behind.  These make for great hiding places or crevices to fit into so that no one can get you and make you keep moving through the store.

Speaking of Sam's, they also have the motorized carts that make shopping much quicker.  On that same note, there are not enough people who truly appreciate moving in reverse.

The simple act of watching a UofL basketball can put anyone in a good mood (as long as you are surrounded by people you love, and you can see, and someone is there to hold you all the time).

It's the little things you accomplish throughout your day that allow you to have the stamina to accomplish the big things!  Keep going and you will be amazed at how good it feels to finish something!

If you fear that you may have to leave the water fountain before you are ready, just soak your shirt so you can suck the water out of it when you get thirsty later.

A love of ice cream transcends most things, including age, gender, and time in the play place.

Everyone looks cooler in sunglasses!

Whatever you do, do it all out!  Play hard, sleep hard!

Anderson teaches us so much and we are so blessed to learn from him!  He is a constant reminder to appreciate the little things in life and to keep it light (don't take life so seriously).  Life is more fun with him in it!

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