Playing at the Science Center

Playing at the Science Center
He can only stop for a second...there is lots of playing to do!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Getting Big with Lots of Firsts

Inevitably, a baby has a lot of firsts...otherwise, he would never do anything.  It has been fun, as a first time mom, to be a part of all of these firsts with Anderson.  Not only that, but to see him get better at these adventures as he does them and second, third, and fourth (and on and on forever) time.  One thing that Anderson really seems to enjoy is riding in grocery carts.  I can't really give an exact date for this as it just started to see if he could and progressed into him doing it all the time, but he looks so cute and has a good time looking around as we shop.

He also really seems to like ceiling fans.  This has been one of his favorites since day one, but I am both surprised and happy when he still shows interest in them daily.  He and Richard often watch them and turn them on and off (and on and off and on and off) to keep Anderson smiling.

Another fun thing about getting bigger is more fun in the bathtub.  Anderson has always enjoyed bath time, but as he grows, he gets to play more and learns more about the water.  He likes to splash, chew on bath toys, and especially enjoys playing with the water as it rushes out of the faucet.  I, on the other hand, enjoy watching him play and giving him different hairstyles.

Recently, Anderson has his first run in with balloons.  Richard and I helped to get balloons ready for Cameron's birthday and Anderson thought they were his toys.  He pulled them around and had a wonderful time with them.  When the novelty wore off he, of course, tried to put one in his mouth.

Another fun thing about getting a bit older is sitting in highchairs when we eat out.  That's right...he has graduated from sitting in the car seat in a sling to sitting up in a highchair at the table with the big folks.  He is pretty relaxed about it now, but before it was quite the privilege.  He also still enjoys sitting his highchair at home and feeding himself.

Last, but not least, he is reading.  Well, not really, but he looks like he is reading, which is super fun for those passing by at the grocery store.  He is very into the small board books given to him by one of my students (thanks Molly) and opens them up to "read" all the time.

I cannot believe how fast time is passing.  I am trying to take in every moment and cherish it, but it seems to just zoom by without any thought as to how it might affect me.  Suggestions on slowing time are welcomed and appreciated!

First Time at the Zoo

Well, Anderson still may not know the purpose of the zoo or even that there are animals there.  I'll tell you what he does know though.  He does know that the zoo has the coolest fences.  He was very impressed, as we approached each animal's cage, with the fence surrounding the habitat.  He grabbed for the fences and pulled himself in to get a closer look (perhaps at the design?) at each one.  He also knows that kids walk around the zoo and yell a lot.  He was quite taken with the bigger kids who got to climb on the amazing fences (previously mentioned) and yelled at whatever was beyond those fences.  He watched in awe as they ran around pulling their parents from one thing to the next and not having to be held or pushed in a stroller.  He also knows that they keep the best statues at the zoo.  He got to mount a statue of a rhino in front of one of the more interesting fences.  He enjoyed the horn on that statue.

He also very much enjoyed the statue of a gorilla. He chatted with that statue and picked its nose.  We spent an inordinate amount of time with this statue as Anderson grabbed at his face jabbered on about his day to the large primate.

Finally, he did know that giraffes and lions were at the zoo as he did actually glance at those animals for a split second.  The giraffe just happened to be right next to the fence and the lions happened to be far away from the fence, but he was on his dad's shoulders so they were easier to spot.

All in all, we had a great trip to the zoo.  It seems crazy that Anderson's first trip to the zoo was in mid February, but the weather was fantastic and it was not at all crowded.  We ended our trip with a visit to the gift shop and bought a Christmas tree ornament to commemorate the event.  We all smiled a lot and it was a great way to start a long weekend.

The Swings at Wendell Moore Park

Jen and Oliver invited us to go to the park with them as there was a place for smaller kids in with the other  playground equipment.  I was excited to take Anderson because he had been to a playground once before in Florida, but didn't really have an understanding of what was happening or that it was supposed to be fun.  This time, I figured he might get a little more out of it.  We followed Oliver around and got to see him master most of the playground equipment.  We also got to watch a couple of older kids really get into their playground experience.  Then, we found them...the swings!  He wasn't sure when I first put him in, but it didn't take long for him to realize that this was a new favorite!

As he was swinging, he laughed and squealed with excitement while the child on the swing next to him stared in awe at the baby who got that much of a kick out of a swing.  We had a blast!  As he went back, he would watch the mulch on the ground, and on his way forward, he would watch me get closer and closer.  It was a fantastic moment for this mom and I will not soon forget it.
As the afternoon wore on, he relished in the little things.  We sat on a little walkway on the edge of the playground and Anderson soaked up the last bit of the day's sun while sucking his thumb.

It doesn't get much better than that.

Science Center - Guitar Exhibit

That's right...Anderson can officially say that he has played the largest guitar in the world!  It took up the whole room and was very impressive (at least to those of us who knew to be impressed; Anderson was fairly underwhelmed).

We went to the Louisville Science Center and he got to pluck lots of guitar strings and hear the sounds of different types of guitars.  He seemed to really like the sound of the electric guitar because he continually pushed that button over and over again, with a smile on his face, to hear it.

He also found out that if he didn't let go of the strings, he didn't have to move away from the lesson!  He also seemed very fond of the yellow string.  He reached for that one more often than the others.  I believe a favorite color may be emerging.

Anderson also played a xylophone, but he got mad when Richard wouldn't let him eat the mallet.  Come on never let me do anything fun!  I'm sure when he has better aim and less of a need to put everything in his mouth, a xylophone will be super exciting on its own.

We also went into the kid's zone.  This was mine and Richard's first time in there as well.  Richard put on a puppet show that no one watched, Anderson drove a bus, and got to see himself in a mirror in the floor. Richard sang "The Wheels on the Bus" as Anderson practiced his driving skills on the rather large steering wheel.

He also enjoyed the disco ball as it was similar to the lights at home except way more amazing, in the shape of a ball, and very reflective!  He looked at me as if to say, tell me again why our lights at home aren't this fantastic.

He was pretty impressed with all the lights and gadgets and apparently used up a lot of energy as he napped all the way home.  I would say it was a success and we will soon return to the wonderland that is the Science Center!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Dreaded First Fever

That's right...Anderson got his first fever.  We took him to the doctor on Jan. 23 about a persistent cough. The nurse practitioner said that his lungs and ears were both clear, but when she heard him cough, she said it presented as an allergy.  She was inferring that it was an allergy to Ziggy (our cat).  While we were there, they persuaded us to get Anderson a flu shot.  Apparently, at this age, they give the flu shot in two doses as their little bodies can't handle the big vaccine.  So, we went ahead and gave him the first dose understanding that there could be minor side effects.  When we got home, we was acting pretty normal, but was tired.  The next morning, he woke up with a fever.  He had the fever until Tuesday (so, 4 days). When I called the doctor's advice line, they suggested it was teething and to try to soothe his gums.  Well, soothe his gums I did and his fever got up to 103.4.  Needless to say, that was out of my comfort zone, but it was tough to tell how he felt as these two pictures were within a day of each other, both when he had a high fever.

I absolutely love this boy.  Even when he doesn't feel good, he loves life and wants to be a part of everything.  He is curious and has so much amazement in his eyes.  Huhhhhhhhh (sigh of contentment and joy).

We Will Miss Our Nala

We lost a very important member of our family this past week.  Nala died on Friday, January 23rd and she is already greatly missed.  I am most saddened when thinking about what should have been.  At the risk of sounding dramatic, I can't help but be sad for Anderson and for us as I picture...

  • Anderson throwing food off of the high chair just to see Nala eat it.
  • Nala following Anderson around when he is old enough to carry snacks just to eat the trail he leaves behind.
  • Anderson cuddling up to Nala.
  • Anderson trying to walk Nala on a leash.
  • The first time Nala eats Anderson's dinner because he left it unattended.

It is strange how much a pet truly becomes part of the family.  Outwardly, I can say, "Oh, she was just a dog," but inwardly, I think, "But she was our dog."  People have asked us several times if we are going to get a new dog.  The answer, for now, is no.  I don't want a new cute puppy to house train and to get used to Anderson...I want Nala.  Maybe when Anderson is a bit older and can help take care of a pet, we will look into it; but for now, we will remember in love, our sweet Nala.