Playing at the Science Center

Playing at the Science Center
He can only stop for a second...there is lots of playing to do!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Getting Big with Lots of Firsts

Inevitably, a baby has a lot of firsts...otherwise, he would never do anything.  It has been fun, as a first time mom, to be a part of all of these firsts with Anderson.  Not only that, but to see him get better at these adventures as he does them and second, third, and fourth (and on and on forever) time.  One thing that Anderson really seems to enjoy is riding in grocery carts.  I can't really give an exact date for this as it just started to see if he could and progressed into him doing it all the time, but he looks so cute and has a good time looking around as we shop.

He also really seems to like ceiling fans.  This has been one of his favorites since day one, but I am both surprised and happy when he still shows interest in them daily.  He and Richard often watch them and turn them on and off (and on and off and on and off) to keep Anderson smiling.

Another fun thing about getting bigger is more fun in the bathtub.  Anderson has always enjoyed bath time, but as he grows, he gets to play more and learns more about the water.  He likes to splash, chew on bath toys, and especially enjoys playing with the water as it rushes out of the faucet.  I, on the other hand, enjoy watching him play and giving him different hairstyles.

Recently, Anderson has his first run in with balloons.  Richard and I helped to get balloons ready for Cameron's birthday and Anderson thought they were his toys.  He pulled them around and had a wonderful time with them.  When the novelty wore off he, of course, tried to put one in his mouth.

Another fun thing about getting a bit older is sitting in highchairs when we eat out.  That's right...he has graduated from sitting in the car seat in a sling to sitting up in a highchair at the table with the big folks.  He is pretty relaxed about it now, but before it was quite the privilege.  He also still enjoys sitting his highchair at home and feeding himself.

Last, but not least, he is reading.  Well, not really, but he looks like he is reading, which is super fun for those passing by at the grocery store.  He is very into the small board books given to him by one of my students (thanks Molly) and opens them up to "read" all the time.

I cannot believe how fast time is passing.  I am trying to take in every moment and cherish it, but it seems to just zoom by without any thought as to how it might affect me.  Suggestions on slowing time are welcomed and appreciated!

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