Playing at the Science Center

Playing at the Science Center
He can only stop for a second...there is lots of playing to do!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Growing Up

People kept telling me how fast life flew by once you start having children.  I blew them off with a "yeah, yeah" and went on with my life.  Once I had Anderson, I couldn't help but notice, they were totally RIGHT!  I cannot believe how fast time is moving...I just want to slow everything down.  Anderson, it seems, feels the opposite.  He wants to grow up and move forward.

He wants to be one with animals (am I sensing veterinary school in his future?).

He wants to drive.  He is already practicing in Richard's car.

He is spending more time in the bathtub and just wants some company while he is in there.  Someone to bounce ideas off of.

He is joining book clubs!  He and Grammy are in one together and are already having hilarious conversations about what they have read.

He is gathering his equipment to play tennis and making sure it is all up to code.

He is building wagons to pull his friends along in so he doesn't have to carry them all the time.  (That can wreak havoc on your back you know).

He is eating pudding without a spoon right there in the grocery store aisles.  He doesn't even need a spoon people!

He is drinking from McDonald's cups (You know he gets the large size because, why would you get a smaller size if they are all a dollar?  He is no financial dummy!).

I cannot believe he is growing up so fast and that he wants to get big so soon.  I just want him to do this again.  Just sometimes!

Even though he is getting too big too fast, I am loving every single minute of being his mom.  I say at every new phase, "This is my favorite stage so far" and I mean it, every time!  I am so lucky to be able to call myself Anderson's mom!  What a great kid I have!

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