Playing at the Science Center

Playing at the Science Center
He can only stop for a second...there is lots of playing to do!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Out and About

Richard, Anderson, and I get a bit stir crazy when we are in the house too long, so we try to get out every once in a while and see what the rest of Louisville is up to.

We went to the spaghetti dinner that the boy scouts put on in Crestwood.  We met Anderson's Grandma and Grandpa there as well as his Nana and Grammy, Aunt Janice, Uncle Matt, and Lily, and Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Captain Awesome and we had a blast!  Richard was in the dunk tank for the first half hour we were there.  My 86-year-old Grammy dunked him because she is amazing!  Anderson played in the bouncy house with the big kids and loved it!

We ate some spaghetti and then our family took over the cake walk!  We did win some cupcakes and Anderson got in on that action as quickly as he could!

We went to Tom Sawyer Park and played on the equipment there.  It was fun for Anderson to climb the wall and go down the slide independently.

We met some of the Goshen teachers out at Drakes in the Summit and had fun talking and eating with them.  Anderson decided to tease them with his tricks.  He can be such a flirt!

We went to Aunt Jackie's house and showed her Anderson's impressions.
First, there was E.T.

Then, there was a bat.

Finally, there was...okay, well this wasn't as much of an impression as it was just a really cute picture.

Anderson also snuck into Aunt Jackie's kitchen, where we had previously rubber banded her cabinets closed to do this...

I don't have an explanation.  I just smile and roll my eyes at how cute and strange he can be all at the same time!

I love taking Anderson out and giving him lots of new experiences!  I was prepared for that part.  I was not as prepared for him to give me new experiences!  LOVE HIM!

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