Playing at the Science Center

Playing at the Science Center
He can only stop for a second...there is lots of playing to do!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween has always been my least favorite holiday, but Anderson has made me rethink that.  Last year he was a peanut (costume made by his NayNay) and this year, he was a parrot (get it).

He looked so cute as both and I have loved every minute of him being dressed up!  Another thing I am really liking about Halloween is the tradition we seem to have started with Janice and Lily coming over for trick or treating.  Last year, we stayed in and gave away candy.  This year, we went out and got some candy.

The similarities between these two children are undeniable, but they could not have been more different about they way they approached trick or treating.  Lily was motivated.  After that first house gave her candy, she was on a candy-getting mission the rest of the night.  She hiked up hills and climbed up stairs.  She knocked on doors, with Aunt Marilyn's help, and took stock of her booty after each stop.  The little elephant was born for this holiday.

Anderson, on the other hand, could have cared less about the candy.  He was, however, very interested in getting to walk up to the doors and look into the houses.  He sniffed everyone's flowers and looked closely at everyone's decorations.  He spun himself silly in people's yards and was not interested in carrying his bucket.  He had more fun talking with his dad and letting Uncle Chris fly him like a plane than he did with actual trick or treating.

They were so fun to watch!  I am also very thankful for my Mom and Grammy, and Richard's Mom, who came over to our house to hand out candy so we could go out and trick or treat!  We are so blessed to have such amazing family!

Also, that day we got to dress him a little for daycare.  We didn't want to go all out with the parrot costume (that might make it hard to nap), but we did feel like we needed to acknowledge the holiday.

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